Original Motion Picture Soundtrack: North By Northwest
1996/02/29・8 36025 2
1959年に公開されたヒッチコック監督の映画『北北西に進路を取れ』(原題:North by Northwest)のCDです。音楽はバーナード・ハーマンさんによる作曲です。
- Overture
- The Streets (outtake)
- It's A Most Unusual Day
- Kidnapped
- The Door
- Cheers
- The Wild Ride
- Car Crash
- The Return
- Two Dollars
- Rosalie
- In The Still Of The Night
- The Elevator
- The U.N.
- Information Desk
- The Knife
- Fashion Show
- Interlude
- Detectives
- Conversation Piece
- Duo
- The Station
- The Phone Booth
- Farewell
- The Crash
- Hotel Lobby
- The Reunion
- Goodbye
- The Question
- The Pad & Pencil
- The Auction
- The Police
- The Airport
- The Cafeteria
- The Shooting
- The Forest
- Flight
- The Ledge
- The House
- The Balcony
- The Match Box
- The Message
- The T.V.
- The Airplane
- The Gates
- The Stone Faces
- The Ridge
- On The Rocks
- The Cliff
- Finale
50曲 64分